- easy rider Refine by Fit: EASY RIDER
- 110 slim Refine by Fit: 110 SLIM
- 181 relaxed straight Refine by Fit: 181 RELAXED STRAIGHT
- 223 straight Refine by Fit: 223 Straight
- 363 vintage straight Refine by Fit: 363 VINTAGE STRAIGHT
- 410 athletic Refine by Fit: 410 ATHLETIC
- 411 athletic taper Refine by Fit: 411 ATHLETIC TAPER
- 412 athletic slim Refine by Fit: 412 Athletic Slim
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $129.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $129.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $109.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $129.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Online Exclusive
Styles marked as online exclusives must be returned by mail. Full list of exceptions can be found online here. List is subject to change.
Comp. Value $109.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Styles marked as online exclusives must be returned by mail. Full list of exceptions can be found online here. List is subject to change.
Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Styles marked as online exclusives must be returned by mail. Full list of exceptions can be found online here. List is subject to change.
Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Styles marked as online exclusives must be returned by mail. Full list of exceptions can be found online here. List is subject to change.
Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Styles marked as online exclusives must be returned by mail. Full list of exceptions can be found online here. List is subject to change.
Comp. Value $129.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Styles marked as online exclusives must be returned by mail. Full list of exceptions can be found online here. List is subject to change.
Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Styles marked as online exclusives must be returned by mail. Full list of exceptions can be found online here. List is subject to change.
Comp. Value $129.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Comp. Value $99.00
Where an item has a comp value price listed next to, above or below the current price, that price represents either the price at which we previously offered the product, or our good-faith estimate of prices for comparable items at department, specialty or other retail stores or websites. As prices often fluctuate, we cannot guarantee that the comp value price reflects the prevailing market price at any given time in any given geographic area. As a result, we encourage you to do your own comparison shopping as another way to see what great value we offer.
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Showing 36 of 76
More on Men's Jeans
Denim jeans provide one of the most versatile and reliable options in the modern wardrobe, and you can find your new favorite pair in the newest stock at Lucky Brand. Choose from everyday denim essentials including straight leg jeans, bootcut jeans, skinny jeans, and relaxed fit stretch jeans in this special selection of styles. Explore this collection to find jeans in a wide range of washes, from laid back light denim to dark denim that makes a confident choice for evening wear. Enjoy distinctive embellishments such as whiskered accents, distressed detailing, and metallic hardware to elevate even the most understated everyday look.
How to Pick the Perfect Jeans
With our wide selection of jean fits for men, you are sure to find the right pair to match your body shape. Our slim fit jeans offer a modern, fitted contour shape through the hip and thigh while providing more room in the leg. We also offer our 105 Slim Taper jeans if you’re looking for a narrower fit towards the bottom of the jean. For men who prefer their jeans to offer a bit more breathing room, our athletic slim and relaxed straight jeans provide more room in the hip and thigh without compromising on style. Perfect for men with more athletic builds. Our bootcut jean fits include low-rise styles that fit loose and are designed for athletic builds, and mid-rise designs that sit at the hips and have an easy fit through the leg and thigh. Our men’s straight jeans are a timeless look nicely fitted through the hip and thigh straight down to the leg.